Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Download Big Island Brochure

We have received numerous requests for brochures, magazines, and guide books from our site. We do not produce any printed guides as our main product is our website. However, due to popular demand, we have begun work on a downloadable e-guidebook. This downloadable book will contain the main parts of our website in an easy to reference and printable format that you can take with you on your trip.

Although our online material is still our centerpiece, this downloadable guide will allow you to take our product with you on your trip and it wil aid you in planning you Big Island adventures. More to follow soon.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Car Security at Big Island Dive Sites

Below is a question submitted by one of our users:

Comments: I am planning on diving on the Big Island this March and really appreciate the reviews on the shore diving sites. I was wondering if vehicles are frequently broken into while they are parked at the dive sites? For example at Puako Village End.

When parking your car at any dive site on the Big Island (or at any hiking trail head too), make sure you sanitize your car -- that is ensure nothing of any value is visible. Minimize the temptation of thieves to want to break into your car. That means don't leave anything on the dashboard, console, seats, etc. to include sunglasses, cell phones, DVD players, any bags/purses/luggage, shoes or gear, etc. Basically clean out your car as if you were returning it to the car rental place...

With that said, I often dive from austere dive sites on the Big Island as well as park my car in strange (unsecure) places when I go hiking. My car was fine when I dived at Puako. Most of the guide books will talk about crime and securing your vehicle - keep your car sanitized and you should be fine... Enjoy your trip!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Laupahoehoe Music Festival

Laupahoehoe Music Festival

Malama Hawaii Nei was formed 5 year’s ago to manage the Laupahoehoe Music festival after Big Island musician Bruddah Smitty desired to do some thing to help the children of the community of Laupahoehoe. It is a committee of volunteers whose sole purpose is to provide scholarships for area students as well as fund community projects. Last year, five college scholarships were awarded from proceeds from the event.

Malama Hawaii Nei presents its fourth annual festival at beautiful Laupahoehoe Point Beach Park on Feb 14 form 9:00 am till 5:00 pm

Featured entertainers include The Lim Family, Sugah Daddy, Times 5, Beamer-Solomon Halau O Po’Ohala, Johnny Shot, Hula Halau O Mailelaulani, Bruddah Smitty and Friend’s, Mixjah and Robi Kahakalau. Food and Crafts available. Hosted by Tommy “Kahikina” Ching and Skylark Rosetti.
Lot’s of grinds and crafts too!

Tickets are $10.00 and are available at the Taro Patch in Honokaa, Music Exchange in Hilo and Waimea, Hilo Guitars & Ukulele’s, Mr. Ed’s Bakery in Honomu,50’s Café in Laupahoehoe and at the gate. Age 10 and under free and no coolers please. This is an alcohol and drug free event.
