Monday, July 7, 2008

Diving with a Hawaiian Monk Seal (Kauai)

Although this post takes place on the Island of Kauai, I thought the video was interesting enough to post on this blog. I recently had a chance to dive with a Hawaiian Monk Seal off of Ni'ihau, near Kauai. It was a wonderful and unique opportunity to see this endangered species (less than 1500 known alive). The dive was pretty tame up until the point we climbed and swam parallel a large plateau - here was where the Monk Seal was perched, just lying and relaxing.

Then, as our dive group ascended onto the plateau to observe, the Monk Seal carried on with his dog-like antics, showing off his "tricks" in front of us (playing hide and seek, biting his fin, rubbing his face on the ground) And, just to impress us, he filled his throat up with air and gave off one large bellowing growl! All I can say is - he was probably as curious of us as we were of him! He actually ventured to just within a few feet of me as I was videoing the whole encounter...

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